

Your Voice


Hey, it’s Maeve.

I am so excited you are here and have landed in this space; 
the very fact you found me is a strong indication that you’ve trusted the signs and signals to navigate your soul to this very place, so welcome home!

When I’m not on stage or in rehearsal, you’ll find me coaching leaders & dreamers. 

Step into your greatest power… your voice




Go Read the Blog

The Power of Boundaries

The Power of Boundaries

You’re in charge of how people treat you. The question I’ll pose to you is are you voicing that? The truth is walking through life feeling like you have no power over your relationships and how you engage in them. The statement, “I don’t have any control over people”...

Honoring our Divine Voice

Honoring our Divine Voice

Let’s talk about what we can lose if we don’t honor our divine voice. I’ve digging into a lot of pieces of my soul, personality, purpose, and vision to discover where I lost pieces when I didn’t honor the voice that was trying to come through. You’re doing all the...

Shifting Your Inner Conversation

Shifting Your Inner Conversation

Are you in your “Yes” or are you in your “No”? Regardless of which you are currently in, it’s either helping or hindering you. What I see happening a lot is people being in their “No” space more than the “Yes” place without even knowing. You might be thinking of the...

Programs | Solo Coaching | Retreats

I specialize in mindset realignment,
re-programming of inner/outer dialogue as well as helping you build an unshakable belief and influential presence in all that you do.

Divine Voice Transformation © │ Design by Morgan Massey Media │ Photos by Andrew Bogard Photography