The Power of Boundaries

The Power of Boundaries

You’re in charge of how people treat you. The question I’ll pose to you is are you voicing that?

The truth is walking through life feeling like you have no power over your relationships and how you engage in them. The statement, “I don’t have any control over people” is a total lie. Our ego wants to wrap our true nature around and it silences us. We’re trained and kind of brainwashed to think it is what it is, so just deal with it. Certain phrases we have as a society shows this. What are these particular statements that we grab onto and go on a rollercoaster ride. Habituated thoughts in our culture causes inner turmoil and a false lack of control.

If you’re not liking how you’re being treated, you do not have to listen to the lie that we don’t have any control over that. And it’s a lie we’re responsible for. Maybe you haven’t yourself the question yet. What do you find acceptable and not acceptable?

As an example to this in my own life, I didn’t stand by my boundaries within my opera career. Our power is in our boundaries around our desires. The number one step is having a conversation with yourself. How do you want to be treated and how do you voice that?

Without a conversation with ourselves, how are we supposed to have it with others? By not being available for giving your power away, you give back to your organic self respect.

Another conversation is how we treat other people. Do I show up on time? Do I show up? Am I present? Am I truthful? Am I reliable? Am I responsive? No shame in this conversation at all, you guys. A lot of times we don’t want to draw back the curtain to uncover the truth, but this lane is so much better than leaving it up to chance and shrugging your shoulders. Being in a set and resolved state about how we desire to be in the world in turn shows how the world is going to be in our lives. Some of the benefits that occurs include stepping away from an environment that is no longer serving you, leaving a job to work at something you love and allowing a person who needs to be working to take your place, letting go of certain habits and bring in nourishing patterns to serve your grander purpose, and communicating your feelings in a place of deep integrity.

It comes back to what you need. You are responsible. You are the common denominator in all experiences in your life. Bring the reflection back to yourself and uncover what it is actually in our own experience that may be projecting outwards and in turn back to us. Essentially, we are all mirrors to each other.

Honoring our Divine Voice

Honoring our Divine Voice

Let’s talk about what we can lose if we don’t honor our divine voice.

I’ve digging into a lot of pieces of my soul, personality, purpose, and vision to discover where I lost pieces when I didn’t honor the voice that was trying to come through.

You’re doing all the things you need to need. You’re thinking you’re honoring that divine energy inside you that’s guiding you. A lot of time we fight our divine voice with the ego. By falsely convincing us, it brings us out of alignment from what we’re meant to be doing, saying, experiencing, or living out. We battle with the ego on a daily basis. One of the things I’ve found helpful is a daily routine.

Perhaps you’re dealing with a bully or someone who’s in your environment. So how do we deal with that? Personally, I’ve established a protective container around myself that’s invisible to me and impenetrable to others. Any involvement that’s not in alignment with your soul’s ozone.

One thing you may not think about is what if that bully is inside our mind? The ego is not apart of our soul. It’s there to serve the external part of life, not the internal, which can be really tricky when the ego appears to be our soul. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of our soul ozone layer so we can protect our divine voice and intuitive self.

What’s at stake when that happens is we make decisions based on ego, fear, and insecurity that aren’t in our best interest. This leads us on a path of poor habits and patterns in all areas of our life.

For me, I’m personally spending 2-3 hours per day on my self insight through meditation, journaling, spiritual guidance podcasts, etc. It’s sacred to me to be guided by my divine voice, and I get there through consistent morning rituals before going out into the world. This all starts with the voice and communicating with ourselves and others. Our divine voice is a rock hard truth that doesn’t know anything different than the truth.

Shifting Your Inner Conversation

Shifting Your Inner Conversation

Are you in your “Yes” or are you in your “No”?

Regardless of which you are currently in, it’s either helping or hindering you.

What I see happening a lot is people being in their “No” space more than the “Yes” place without even knowing. You might be thinking of the popular movie, “Yes, Man” with Jim Carrey where he takes on new experiences regardless of his objections. I want to go a little deeper. What about those objections? An example is someone offering their help in a way that serves you and refusing their gracious offer. Another example is being given an opportunity that may be out of your comfort zone and because we’re closed minded due to false self judgment and doubt. Stuck in the story of that we can’t do something – not in the space with the abundance of gifts and prosperity that’s coming in our direction. In the meantime while things are being offered to us through the universe, we are actually repelling them away. You fill in the blank. Whatever piece of life we are being given.

Are we in the “no” conversation most of the time? Or are we in the “yes” universe? Bring me opportunity. Bring me people who can guide and assist me. Bring me opportunities where I can serve which would in turn that may translate to financial abundance. Offer the doors for me to travel the world without it seeming like it’s going to be impossible. Yes, universe, bring me that partner whose a vibrational match because I’m so open and ready to receive it and ready to

What is the conversation that is going on in your head? Is it a positive, affirmative, expansive, and inviting conversation or is it a repelling, negative, contractive, closed off energy? The way in which we interact with our “yes” or “no” vibrates into the world before we get to the conversation that may be the missing link for us.

So here’s the deal, guys. We’re in this uninterested and prideful state – as though we have all the answers, we miss out on all the opportunities that uplift and support us.

The story that you’re telling yourself is contradicting what you want.
The made-up logistics fool you into thinking you’re stuck. This world is full of amazing and miraculous happening every day. Why don’t you look up THOSE stories? Seeking out the positivity rather than the negativity. Miracles happen every day. We’re not putting emphasis on the powerful tool of our brain. It’s so immense and intentional – but a lot of the times we go to sleep on it and go through our days. Instead of allowing a swirl and fester of negative experiences, give yourself the important cleanse through your shell of a body in order to align yourself with what you’re desiring. If you don’t let allow certain emotions to come through, I may get stuck in my resistance. It’s imperative that you step into this daily discipline of minding the conversations happening in my head and take the opportunity of energy space that will help support and empower me. “Yes, I want to be in the conversation about what it is I want and getting what I want”. “Yes, I want to do what it is necessary right now as I’m continuing my journey achieving what I desire”. If you’re not saying yes at all, what are you saying no to?

It’s not that we don’t have obstacles or challenges, that’s a given. That’s life – welcome to life. This is the dimension that we’re in. Your motor of a brain is what’s deciding what you’re going to experience. I decided a few years ago, that I no longer am available to negative dialogue or energy. Once it’s recognized, I step away from the situation to put myself in a better space.

I make a different choice – every day. Shift your conversation.